World Class
Safety Record

Player safety in any sport is paramount and Countrywide Paintball takes pride in being five star members of the UKPBA – the governing body of the sport of paintball in the UK. Our committment to health and safety and the high standards of our facilities has earned us this recogntion and demonstrates our dedication to making your paintball day with us incredible. Paintball is an extremely safe sport, and the standards employed by Countrywide Paintball make it even more enjoyable for your day out. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a shot!


All players can relax in the knowledge they are using the best paintball equipment in the industry when they step out on the battlefield at Countrywide Paintball. Full head paintball goggles protect your entire head from any stray shots, while the padded collars on our combat suits give added cover to the sensitive neck area. We also supply customers with custom-designed body armour to protect the upper torso. With all these layers of protection, you’ll not only look the part but feel comfortable acting out your inner Rambo during your session of adventure.

The Countrywide Paintballing

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